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4 - I numeri

Numeri cardinali (cardinal numbers) 

0 Nought / Zero
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
9 Nine
10 Ten
11 Eleven
12 Twelve
13 Thirteen
14 Fourteen
15 Fifteen
16 Sixteen
17 Seventeen
18 Eighteen
19 Nineteen
20 Twenty
21 Twenty one
22 Twenty two
23 Twenty three
24 Twenty four
25 Twenty five
26 Twenty six
27 Twenty seven
28 Twenty eight
29 Ten
30 Thirty
31 Thirty one
40 Forty
50 Fifty
60 Sixty
70 Seventy
80 Eighty
90 Ninety
100 A hundred / One hundred
200 Two hundred
325 Three hundred twenty-five
1,000 A thousand / One thousand
2,000 Two thousand
3,451 Three thousand four hundred fifty one
10,000 Ten thousand
100,000 A hundred thousand / One hundred thousand
1,000,000 A million / One million
10,000,000 Ten million
100,000,000 A hundred million / One hundred million
1,000,000,000 A billion / One billion
4,512,706,842 Four billion five hundred twelve million seven hundred six thousand eight forty two

Nota: In inglese si usa la virgola per separare le cifre delle migliaia; si usa invece il punto per separare le cifre decimali .

Numeri ordinali (ordinal numbers)

I numeri ordinali si formano aggiungendo il suffisso –th ai relativi numeri cardinali, con qualche eccezione ortografica:the first [il primo], the second [il secondo], the third [il terzo], the twenty-first [il ventunesimo], the twenty-second [il ventiduesimo], the twenty-third [il ventitreesimo] , ecc.

1st The first
2nd The second
3rd The third
4th The fourth
5th The fifth
6th The sixth
7th The seventh
8th The eighth
9th The ninth
10th The tenth
11th The eleventh
12th The twelfth
13th The thirteenth
14th The fourteenth
15th The fifteenth
16th The sixteenth
17th The seventeenth
18th The eighteenth
19th The nineteenth
20th The twentieth
21st The twenty first
22nd The twenty second
23rd The twenty third
24th The twenty fourth
25th The twenty fifth
26th The twenty sixth
27th The twenty seventh
28th The twenty eighth
29th The twenty ninth
30th The thirtieth
31st The thirty first
32nd The thirty second
33rd The thirty third
34th The thirty fourth
35th The thirty fifth
40th The fortieth
50th The fiftieth
60th The sixtieth
70th The seventieth
80th The eightieth
90th The ninetieth
100th The hundredth
1,000th The thousandth
1,000,000th The millionth
1,000,000,000th The billionth

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